Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Education is Light

A world without education is a world without light. The light (education) shed on the world allows us to grow, learn and teach. Otherwise, we'd all be in the dark living in stone age times with Fred Flintstone. Education should provide the world with equal opportunities and teach not only academic information but life skills. The main goal of educators is to have every student walk out of the classroom every day with information they didn't know when they walked in.

I learned a lot in this course about the education process. I learned in the fieldwork that being a teacher can be frustrating but rewarding and the good outweighs the bad by far. I learned that its so important to dedicate adequate time to being a teacher and give every single student the attention and education they deserve despite race, gender or religion. And most importantly I learned that there is nothing more I want to do with my life than be a teacher. I want to shed light on the world in the form of education and continue to provide students with a promising future. 

I really enjoyed reading blogs from my classmates, it allowed me to get other opinions and see things from a different point of view. I loved how even though many people in the class aren't education majors but they still seemed to enjoy the class and see the information from the point of view of a teacher. I think the blogs were a really great idea.