Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Boys vs Girls

There is a 60/40 (girls to boys) ratio in colleges. It is a known fact that women are succeeding more in the world of education more than men are. It has been a theory that elementary school is too bias towards the activities girls enjoy doing and boys are set up to fail. Does this phenomenon go back to elementary school? (p 49)

Elementary school is where boys must contain their desires to run around pretending to be superman. They are to sit still and criss-crossed during story time, remain at their tables during activities and politely raise their hand should they have something to say. Boys are not programmed to behave in this manner and it is argued that teachers spend more time on what girls are genetically programmed to do rather than boys. That is not to say that boys are incapable of sitting still and girls don't run around the classroom, its just a theory that school may be geared more toward girls. Girls want to please their teachers more than boys and are more willing to work where as boys will test better than girls but not put in the effort It is important to incorporate both genders

Boys are also known to get more praise when they score a high test score or get an answer right. This is where the discrimination comes in on the girls end. Teachers tend to ask boys more difficult questions than girls which isn't fair. Title IX was passed in order to prevent gender discrimination in the United States school systems. Will this encourage more boys to pursue a higher level of education and teachers to treat both genders equally? I sure hope so. If gender discrimination occurs this early in school then it will continue.

SOURCES-Male Pride and Female Prejudice by John Tierney, The War Against Boys by Christina Hoff Sommers, Girls Against Boys? By Katha Pollitt.

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